I usd 2 B WRTCHD (2006)
Made in 2006 and inspired by the revolts that started in Clichy-sous-Bois and spread throughout Paris via text message in 2005. The title is written in text short hand. Throughout the video, text messages are received from Franz Fanon. The short hand messages are quotes from "The Wretched of the Earth.” Between the messages are images and video of architecture all over Los Angeles, to give a tongue in cheek idea of plotting a local revolution.
While shooting this video, I was stopped FBI who searched my vehicle and camera. They deleted images on the digital camera and confiscated the video. The video in this piece was edited from images emailed throughout the shoot via cell phone. As a transnational Muslim woman, I could not protest, or I would have been taken in and disappeared for years like so many others.